Monday, January 19, 2009

My Very First Blog Entry

I'm kind of new at this blog thing. The first time I heard of blogging was from my good friend Kathy. She started her blog several months ago and I really got a kick out of it. I'd get excited when she would tell me she wrote a new blog...I'd race to my computer and read it.

It got to be so much fun that I dove in a little deeper and read other blogs and found a whole underworld of bloggers....I was so impressed!

The funny thing about reading other blogs is that I don't know most of the people, yet they feel like new friends as I follow the stories of their lives.

I've gotten great recipes and decorating can't beat that!

But the most amazing thing I've seen is the overwhelming amount of support for each other. When you need a prayer, these wonderful people give of themselves from all around.

That is truely a wonderful thing.

I think I'm gonna like this blog thing....until next time!


  1. You are sooooooooo clever. I love your pictures. I see Sammy is first.

  2. Nevermind. You are too fast for me. You already moved her.
